Assistance League ® Tulsa is transforming the lives of children and adults through community programs.  Last year, more than 283 AL Tulsa member volunteers contributed more than 57,781 hours of service to our community.  Those member hours are worth $33.49 per hour in 23-24.  

Membership Dues: $75 annually
Members are encouraged to attend new member orientation, monthly chapter meetings (second Monday of the month, September-May), and volunteer time at Bargains Thrift Shop and Operation School Bell.

If you are interested in learning more about being involved in our organization we invite you to take a tour of our facility and see what membership in Assistance League looks like. Contact us at 918-832-8832 or email

Mail check to:

Assistance League Tulsa

5350 E. 31st Street 

Tulsa, OK 74135


Please make check payable to:  Assistance League® Tulsa

Download & Print New Member Form

New Member Information

    Your Name (required)

    Spouse's Name

    Your Date of Birth

    Your Contact Information




    Zip Code

    Home Phone

    Please provide a local phone number where you can be contacted

    Cell Phone

    Your Email (required)

    Emergency Contact

    Emergency Contact Name

    Emergency Contact Phone Number

    Emergency Contact Relation

    Additional Information

    Mentor's Name

    For social invitations please indicate your preference:

    Mr. and Mrs.Dr. and Mrs.Dr.Mrs.MissMs.Other
