The Emma R. Showman trust endowed the Betty Bradstreet Arts Education Awards in 2003 to carry on Bradstreet’s legacy of promoting fine arts in the community. This program is unique to Assistance League® Tulsa.
The Betty Bradstreet Arts Education Awards provides financial awards to public school teachers of fine arts for classroom projects. All teachers of fine arts in the Tulsa area are eligible to submit an application for funding. A selection committee of Assistance League® Tulsa volunteers reviews the applications and provides as many awards as funding will allow. Committee members visit each teacher receiving an award to see the children enjoying items purchased.
Instructions for filling out the Betty Bradstreet Arts Education Awards forms
- Fill out the forms and save them to your desktop
- Open email and attach them to an email to [email protected]
- Attach other forms requested to the email and send
Letter to the Superintendent
Awards Proposal Summary
Teacher Award Evaluation
Request for Payment
Photo Release
Please fill out the photo release for each child, save to your computer, then attach in an email to Betty Bradstreet.